Monday, May 7, 2012

My answer to a question of how are visitors drawn to a church?


In answer to your last question, prayer… God is drawing people to [church name] through his sovereignty.  We’ve had several visitors say similar things, paraphrasing here, “we just saw the church and felt like we had to come and check it out.”  We have done no advertising or promotion.  When men and women get on their knees and a church takes prayer seriously I strongly believe God uses that church for His glory.

Please take time to read this link…

James MacDonald has said numerous times when asked how his church flourished so much both in number and in spiritual depth, now 16,000 over 6 campuses in Chicago alone, and more importantly sending Pastors all across the country and the world.  He says, again paraphrasing, “we struggled as a church for a number of years until we started taking prayer seriously, it was only when we wept before God in agonizing prayer that he chose to use us for the glory of His name.”

And when I say Harvest takes it seriously, you have no idea the lengths they go to in fervent prayer – here’s a clue, it’s not a Wed night “prayer meeting”.

If you think about it, doesn’t it make sense?  Imagine a church who has not first fully committed to prayer and starts to grow and flourish.  The temptation is then, “look what we’ve done.”  But if a church is first on their knees, humbling themselves before God, confessing sin and calling out for His favor, then it’s “look what God has done.”

It’s not structure, form of government (although bad church polity will hinder ministry), organization, location, advertising or programs.  Just prayer.  Too simple isn’t it?