Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have to admit I was initially mad then defensive when I received some harsh words from an occasional visitor at our church about our style of worship... not enough hymns for her taste.
My initial reaction was to fight back.  Doesn't she know it's not about the form as much as about the substance and heart?  As I carefully crafted a genius response - in my mind - God laid it on my heart to say nothing.  That's right, nothing.  To simply let it go.
Let it go.
That's not my style to let it go.  I love to debate and defend my positions.  No doubt that's my pride coming out at times.
As I wrestled with this thought of letting it go, I randomly picked up a book that I had started reading a couple months ago but it had lost my attention.   There it was, God speaking just as if he was in physical form in the room speaking in an audible voice.  In the book, a pastor outlining his difficulty with some members and how he handled it.  He loved them. 
No harsh immediate rebuke.
He valued them.  Cared for them.  Listened.  He loved.
Wow, what a word.  This lady will probably never know that her words hurt me.  But my response will be love.  Not because it's what I want to do but because it's what God has shown me. 
Anyone can love when it's things are going well but our true test of character is to love others even when they are un-lovable.
May God be glorified in our responses.