Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Review of the book Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt

This book is titled correctly as it challenges us to radically consider "American version of Christianity" and compare that to the Biblical call which is often much different than our comfortable, man-centered, theology we practice.  Prepare to have your socks knocked off should you choose to read Radical, but I recommend it to all Christians as it calls us to a mindset of missions, evangelism and abandon away from self and complete surrender to the call.

I rate this book 4 out of 5.  It doesn't receive a full 5 because the book is a reflective journey as it ponders thoughts and questions.  Nothing wrong with this style of writing but just not my personal first choice.  At times I thought the book meandered a little but it's purpose, passion and drive are more than enough to overcome this deficiency and I would highly recommend it.
I've heard that Radical Together: Unleashing the people of God for the purpose of God is an excellent read as well.  I'm looking forward to diving into it the next time I need kicked into gear.  :)