Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Elders & Church Polity

My friend and mentor Brian White from Harvest Bible Chapel North Indy in an e-mail he wrote to me regarding Elders and church polity.  Wise, so wise.



I'm thrilled with all I see going on in your life and in the work there at Kingston. I do not see any evidence of a congregationalist viewpoint in the NT. The closest would be in Acts 6 when the congregation gives input and helps select the men who would become deacons. However, the authority to install them is still given to the Apostle's/Elders of the church. I think if you are holding to a pure form of practice, Elder-led is the way to go. Again, I believe you are on point in your criticism of the congregationalist view presupposed in the passages mentioned. I see that when we say tell it to the church, we are talking about the Elders addressing it and then sharing that info with the church as necessary. We find no evidence of congregational voting anywhere in the NT. Therefore, it can't be argued for with biblical evidence. In turn, because it is not mentioned we shouldn't automatically throw it out as an option because in freedom/liberty we could choose that route.

A couple of weaknesses of purely Elder-led churches:
1. Pride can sink the ship - Elders who don't "Elder" from a correct biblical viewpoint will KILL the church.
2. Detachment - Elders can become detached from the congregation and not provide adequate care and communication to help shepherd the flock in decisions and reasoning.
3. Inwardly turned leadership - If the church is not careful, Elders will turn their attention to running the church instead of discipling and shepherding the flock.

A couple of weaknesses of congregation-led churches:
1. The most spiritual and the most carnal have the same vote
2. It mistakes democracy for theology
3. It can lead more easily to division.

I think a measured approach is suggested by Acts 6. Elder-led with alot of Congregational input. NO Votes. Communication in love, shepherding discussions for as long as it takes, etc.

There is a book at Lifeway that gives 4 views on church leadership (Plurality of Elders, Single-led Elder/Pastor, Congregational, Hybrid) I believe it is printed by Broadman and Holman as part of there "competing views series" (see other examples like 4 views of tribulation, 3 view of family ministry, 4 views on education, etc.) I'll try to track down the title. Also, Strauch's Biblical Eldership is another good one. I believe MacArthur addresses it in one of his books too (I'll track that down also)

{Paragraph removed because of personal content}

Thankful for your friendship and partnership in the Gospel!