Monday, March 30, 2015

Comments on the Separation of Church & State

This was posted as a comment on a blog I read regarding the Bronx Household of Faith case the supreme court decided not to hear.


When President George Washington took his oath of office at the federal building in New York, all present then went to the St. Paul Chapel and DEDICATED THE UNITED STATES TO THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB. The federal building's base was cracked at 9-11, the chapel even though it was at ground zero, was untouched. De Blasio needs to get in touch with what the Founders Intended.

When Thomas Jefferson was Speaker of the House and with the Speaker of
the Senate concurring, church services began and were conducted in both
the Supreme Court and Congressional Chambers. The Sunday Church 
Services lasted about 60 years--no separation of Church and State 

In Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists who had experienced 
severe persecution for their faith, Jefferson borrowed phraseology from
the famous Baptist minister Roger Williams who said,"...the hedge or 
wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness 
of the world, GOD HATH EVER BROKE DOWN THE WALL...." Jefferson also in
his letter included this,"...I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared
that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion' (examples such as the Anglican, Dutch Reformed, Quaker, etc which were state churches in New England), or prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof...." 
The Supreme Court, legislating from the bench, used the Danbury Baptist letter "to protect" the state from Christianity instead of protecting Christianity from 
the state. The Supreme Court should have obeyed the U.S. Constitution 
and the Amendments which were the final authority of the law . Thomas
Jefferson was not a signer of the Constitution nor present at the 
Constitutional Convention; therefore his letter should never have been 
used for this purpose. A Supreme Court case using the Wall of 
Separation was tried in 1879, but the meaning of the First
Amendment at that time was clearly understood, and the attempt failed.

The Justices effectively secularized our Republic. They should have paid more attention to Fisher Ames who penned the First Amendment and called the Bible the chief text book to be used in 
teaching children in the public schools. Dr. Benjamin Rush noted as the
"Father of Public Schools" warned that if the Bible was taken out of 
public schools, America would have to deal WITH SO MUCH CRIME THEY COULD DEAL WITH LITTLE ELSE.. I
add this as a reminder of what has transpired: After School Prayer, 
Bible Study, and the 10 Commandments were banned from the public 
schools, circa 1963; violence in America increased by 554%, and after 2007 
by 995%. Prior to 1963, violence increased very slowly.

There has been no void in a religion being taught in public schools. Secular Humanism has been the underlying support for educational material. To verify, computer search the Humanist 
Manifestos I, II, and III. Our children are being taught under these misguiding doctrines. Under this religion, there are no absolutes. Killing your fellow man, such as abortion, becomes acceptable if the culture decides it is ok (situational ethics)---your friendly Secular Humanism.