Friday, July 10, 2015

My Roller Coaster Rankings!

The Beast at King's Island

I'm a huge roller coaster fan and would love to visit every major theme park in the U.S., if I had the resources to do so.

I keep a ranking of my favorites. Each has a ranking on a 5 point scale in parenthesis after the name. This isn't an exhaustive list of every coaster that I've rode, only my favorites and some others I've chosen to mention.
  • Monday June 28, 2010 - King's Island, I rated the new mega coaster Diamondback!  We rode it twice in under 25 minutes!  It's a great coaster cracking the top 10 of my list.
  • July 12, 2011 - Six Flag's St. Louis, I rode Batman the Ride and The Boss.  Batman was excellent and the The Boss was very good.  The Boss was my middle daughter's first major coaster (she had mixed feelings about it).  It was a great trip except it was really hot when we were at the park, heat index of 105 degrees!  Yikes!
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - Sea World Orlando, I rode the Manta and Kraken.  Despite crazy crowds and insane heat, we had a great time.  I was impressed with the park.  I had not been since I was a kid and they have really stepped up their game in nearly 30 years, HA!  Click HERE to get a sneak peak at Sea World's new mega-coaster the Mako, coming in 2016!
  • Thursday, June 26, 2014 - King's Island,  I rode the Banshee for the first time and I have to say I was majorly impressed!  I'm excited to now have it on my rankings list. 
  • Monday, July 13, 2015 we visited Holiday World.  I rode the Thunderbird and I'm pleased to announce it did not disappoint, it's a top 10 on the list.
  • Monday, June 13, 2016 we visited Cedar Point.  It has been too long since I last visited this Roller Coaster Haven and we had a great trip.  The weather was great and although it was a little more crowded that we would have preferred it was still a blast.  I rode GateKeeper and Valravn, for the first time each.  On the downside, I did not get to ride Rougarou or Maverick, the only 2 major coasters at the park I missed. I got in line for Maverick but the line was at 2 hours and I chose to ride other rides vs wait that long.  As you'll see from the rankings below, GateKeeper now ranks as my #1 coaster at Cedar Point, yes ahead of Millenium Force.
  • Monday, July 4, 2016 - King's Island.  This was a great day to be at KI. Thunderstorms were in the forecast so the park was empty.  It drizzled and rained on us off and on all day but I'll take that over 2-3 hour wait for rides!  We rode the Banshee 4 times, and all my favorites multiple times.  I have a few take aways, first, the Banshee is a great coaster in every way.  Second, the Diamondback just gets better and better in my mind.  It's no secret I'm a big fan of inverted coasters but I have to say this is a great thrill.
Feel free to offer comments on my rankings!

My Roller Coaster Rankings

The Beast at King's Island

I'm a huge roller coaster fan and would love to visit every major theme park in the U.S., if I had the resources to do so.

I keep a ranking of my favorites. Each has a ranking on a 5 point scale in parenthesis after the name. This isn't an exhaustive list of every coaster that I've rode, only my favorites and some others I've chosen to mention.

Feel free to offer comments on my rankings!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Comments on the Separation of Church & State

This was posted as a comment on a blog I read regarding the Bronx Household of Faith case the supreme court decided not to hear.


When President George Washington took his oath of office at the federal building in New York, all present then went to the St. Paul Chapel and DEDICATED THE UNITED STATES TO THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB. The federal building's base was cracked at 9-11, the chapel even though it was at ground zero, was untouched. De Blasio needs to get in touch with what the Founders Intended.

When Thomas Jefferson was Speaker of the House and with the Speaker of
the Senate concurring, church services began and were conducted in both
the Supreme Court and Congressional Chambers. The Sunday Church 
Services lasted about 60 years--no separation of Church and State 

In Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists who had experienced 
severe persecution for their faith, Jefferson borrowed phraseology from
the famous Baptist minister Roger Williams who said,"...the hedge or 
wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness 
of the world, GOD HATH EVER BROKE DOWN THE WALL...." Jefferson also in
his letter included this,"...I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared
that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion' (examples such as the Anglican, Dutch Reformed, Quaker, etc which were state churches in New England), or prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof...." 
The Supreme Court, legislating from the bench, used the Danbury Baptist letter "to protect" the state from Christianity instead of protecting Christianity from 
the state. The Supreme Court should have obeyed the U.S. Constitution 
and the Amendments which were the final authority of the law . Thomas
Jefferson was not a signer of the Constitution nor present at the 
Constitutional Convention; therefore his letter should never have been 
used for this purpose. A Supreme Court case using the Wall of 
Separation was tried in 1879, but the meaning of the First
Amendment at that time was clearly understood, and the attempt failed.

The Justices effectively secularized our Republic. They should have paid more attention to Fisher Ames who penned the First Amendment and called the Bible the chief text book to be used in 
teaching children in the public schools. Dr. Benjamin Rush noted as the
"Father of Public Schools" warned that if the Bible was taken out of 
public schools, America would have to deal WITH SO MUCH CRIME THEY COULD DEAL WITH LITTLE ELSE.. I
add this as a reminder of what has transpired: After School Prayer, 
Bible Study, and the 10 Commandments were banned from the public 
schools, circa 1963; violence in America increased by 554%, and after 2007 
by 995%. Prior to 1963, violence increased very slowly.

There has been no void in a religion being taught in public schools. Secular Humanism has been the underlying support for educational material. To verify, computer search the Humanist 
Manifestos I, II, and III. Our children are being taught under these misguiding doctrines. Under this religion, there are no absolutes. Killing your fellow man, such as abortion, becomes acceptable if the culture decides it is ok (situational ethics)---your friendly Secular Humanism.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hipster churches in Silicon Valley: evangelicalism's unlikely new home

Hipster churches in Silicon Valley: evangelicalism's unlikely new home
Netflix fasts, coffee vouchers, plaid-wearing worshippers is what it takes for ‘church transplants’ to make their home in the affluent Bay Area

hipster church
Take me to church: ‘How does one even start a church in the land of $3,000 studio apartments?’ Photograph: hipster church
Annie Gaus
Thursday 29 January 2015 09.00 EST

Like many San Franciscans, overpriced coffee is a considerable portion of my weekly budget. One day in Soma, the industrial district home to many start-ups, I came across a flier advertising a free gift card to Philz, a nearby coffee shop. All that was required was to show up for service at a local church called Epic. I hadn’t been to church in months, and decided to give it a try.

The Bay Area has never been perceived as religious: a 2012 Gallup poll found that fewer than a quarter of residents identify as “very religious” (defined as going to church weekly), as opposed to 40% of the nation as a whole. High salaries have drawn droves of well-educated millennials to the booming tech sector, which correlates with lower religious sentiment. So far afield from the Bible belt, the region is in fact seen as hospitable to all forms of old testament abominations: fornication, paganism – even sodomy.

If you look around, however, you’ll notice a bumper crop of newer Christian ministries that, upon superficial glance, could pass for any other Bay Area start-up: glossy web design, well-curated social accounts and yes, free coffee promotions. County-level statistics substantiate this: numbers from the Association of Religion Data Archives show that several large Protestant denominations have grown in San Francisco County in recent years.

How does one even start a church in the land of $3,000 studio apartments, transient tech workers and rationalist tendencies? The answer lies in a mix of organized efforts by large religious bodies, coupled with messaging that speaks to the tastes, needs and neuroses of ambitious young Bay Area residents.

The Sunday following my flier discovery, I made my way to Epic. The church’s home is in a modest commercial space sharing a street with a marijuana dispensary, a few small tech firms and a homeless encampment.

I grabbed a free bagel and was quickly welcomed by a young pastor named Tim. We were then ushered into the basement, where a three-piece band played a gentle song about keeping promises. Following announcements – Epic would soon be moving to a new, larger venue closer to downtown – lead pastor Ben Pilgreen began a sermon on the idea of resurrection that mixed self-deprecating humor with notes on the ruthlessness of the corporate ladder, as well as occasional asides about processed food: “Have you ever looked at the ingredients in a McRib? What are pig innards?” “You don’t want to know!” called out a scientist in the second row, to rippling laughter.

Pilgreen’s resurrection talk was shrewdly adapted to the worries that would keep any ambitious professional up at night: what happens after a failed project, a faded dream, or even a lost sense of humility following the kind of dizzying financial success that many San Franciscans have sought ever since the tech boom days.

cover hipster church Facebook Twitter Pinterest expand
Some planters are candid about the necessity of behaving just like any other start-up. Photograph: Celine Loup
Off the pulpit, Pilgreen is softer-spoken but no less accessible. He, along with his family and a missionary group of about 20, relocated from Louisiana to what has been long considered rocky terrain for “planting” – missionary parlance for starting up new churches in an appointed city. The church is now in its fifth year, and boasts a growing and diverse attendance.

Missionaries sometimes describe a personal call from God to take on the task of launching and growing a ministry, often far from home. But on a practical level, church plants are brought to life through complex systems of financial and logistical support that scale up to the largest religious bodies in the world, like the Southern Baptist Convention. Epic was founded through the 10-10-10 initiative, a Southern Baptist Convention-supported program to plant 10 new churches in the Bay Area in 2010.

Linda Bergquist was the lead Bay Area catalyst for the initiative, helping to guide new pastors through the spiritual and logistical process of starting a church in one of the most expensive and dense metro areas in the country. When I ask her about traits that make a successful planter in the Bay Area, she offers an anecdote about Pilgreen’s group:

When Ben and his original team came out here for the first time, it was during Obama’s inauguration. The first thing we did was to go down to Civic Center. People were throwing shoes at what I think was a picture of George Bush. Rick Warren came on screen, and people would boo him. It was just so insanely San Francisco. I wanted to watch how Ben and his team related to it, and I hadn’t even told them about Soma ... But I asked afterwards, ‘How was it?’ And they really liked being there. They loved it.

It was this level of comfort with San Francisco’s rebellious spirit, Bergquist told me, that assured her this was the right group to plant in the sometimes bawdy Soma district.


Regardless, it should come as little surprise that the challenges of planting a church in San Francisco are less ideological than logistical. “It’s difficult finding a place to rent,” Bergquist says. “And depending on where it is, you’ve got to rethink space – what’s walkable, what’s bikeable, what’s hikeable, knowing transportation lines, knowing whether people have cars – that’s just something you have to get used to.”

Material support is another matter: as 501(c)(3) exempt charities, churches are not bound by financial transparency, but generally benefit from what Bergquist describes as greatly improved support systems from both official denominations and non-denominational missionary groups. These groups assist with coaching, personnel and of course financial means during the crucial first years of a church plant’s existence.

Some planters are even more candid about the necessity of behaving just like any other start-up in the nation’s technology hub. Troy Wilson, the Presbyterian-ordained pastor of The Table, a brand-new ministry now operating out of Hayes Valley, described to me a multi-year solvency plan – that is, achieving 100% revenue derived internally as opposed to outside, private boosters. Churches are the original crowdfunders, as it turns out: “We are starting a corporation – a non-profit corporation, but we have to see it that way.” Presently, Wilson says, most of The Table’s outreach comes in the form of organizing community events like art shows, performances and parties, in the hopes of gradually building a stable congregation through creative enrichment.

This is perhaps the core challenge for start-up churches like Wilson’s: the pace of change, and the transience of the younger demographic. Dani Scoville, program director at a Christian center that ministers to younger adults in the Bay Area, describes a population of “believers moving from community to community based on life stage. You might be in a certain church when you’re single and looking for a partner, and in another when you’re married and looking for a church with a good children’s ministry.”

As for successful ministries in the Bay Area, she muses: “What are the needs and aches of the place we’re living in, and how do we respond to that?” In Scoville’s work, this can include anything from Netflix fasts to making a budget and limiting coffee to manage anxiety.

When raising the issue of how to reach younger Bay Areans, one ministry in particular came up several times: Reality SF, which makes its Sunday home in a middle school auditorium in the Castro district. Reality’s website features a group of shiny young millennials lounging gaily in picturesque Dolores Park (marijuana truffles and beer not pictured). Its teachings, which are published online, address subjects like “re-imagining singleness”, “tech in spirituality” and “wisdom for charity” in a blend of CS Lewis quotes, TED Talk references, and occasional guests from groups like Praxis, a “kingdom-centered” business accelerator.

To borrow the words of one Yelp reviewer, walking into Reality itself feels “like a Decemberists concert”: at least 25% of the congregation is dressed in plaid, and the couple next to me thumbs through Facebook throughout an extended version of John Mark Mcmillan’s How He Loves, which everyone but me seems to know the lyrics to:

Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss …

Noting its majority single congregation, Reality’s extracurricular panels offer guidance on Christian dating while mostly avoiding hard-boiled doctrine on issues like homosexuality and premarital sex. Correspondingly, the church also boasts “eat-ups”, classifieds and dozens of community groups, providing an instant friend circle (and maybe more!) for the population of young transplants who find everything they need in San Francisco, except a stable community. Reality’s lead pastor, Dave Lomas, politely declined to be interviewed, but it’s clear that Reality understands its congregation: it accepts tithing in the form of stock, and reported a budget of $2.3m in 2014.

However you might define the spiritual needs of the modern, hipster-leaning young professional, those may be even more pronounced outside the density of San Francisco’s social environment.

Forty miles south in Palo Alto, I went to C3SV (C3 Silicon Valley), which declares prominently on its website: “Not religious? Neither are we!”

The distinction, says pastor Adam Smallcombe, is in what the government expects of a church and what people are really seeking. Smallcombe, who is originally from Australia, emphasized the “community void” in Silicon Valley: “People are desperate for community. Everyone’s moving in, and tech companies are trying to provide that community as much as possible, so that we all never leave work. But there’s a community and relationships that people are looking for outside – for doing life, and going beyond just attending a service.”

Not unlike Reality SF’s community groups, C3 offers mountain biking, hiking and other physical and charitable activities for its members, in addition to a mobile app, shuttle bus service for its San Francisco branch, and sermon livestreams coming soon.

Smallcombe acknowledges openly that the community he serves – affluent and immersed in opportunity– wants for little. His aim, rather, is to “leverage the optimism” in Silicon Valley to help people find fulfillment in life outside of the corporate ladder. “You rule over Silicon Valley!” one of the pastors urged energetically during the sermon. “It is not in Google’s hands, or Facebook’s hands, or Yahoo!’s hands – the kingdom is in your hands!” After a performance by what I can only describe as a modestly dressed version of the Cheetah Girls, he reminds his congregation to “believe in the tithe”.

Smallcombe aims to shepherd the church fully out of “start-up” mode by 2020, he explains, at which point he hopes to have helped establish hundreds of new C3 ministries across the globe.

Ambitious as this may sound, for some start-up churches, nothing seems out of reach. Provided they meet people where they are – on phones, at Dolores Park, or at work – they can successfully serve the unique, sometimes evasive needs of their communities. Or at the very least, a good cup of coffee.