Tuesday, January 17, 2012

To my worship team...

An excerpt from an e-mail I wrote today to my worship team...

Keep in mind 3 things as we move forward:
1) commitment to prayer - pray for each other within the team, as a group and for Kingston specifically in the area of worship
2) commitment to holiness - continue to meet with your accountability partners, make this a priority to pray for one another and share life together.
3) Love & humility - don't allow division within the group, show grace and love to your fellow members - remember Satan's favorite strategy is to divide and conquer.  Most often when we're tempted in this area it's because we've allowed pride to infiltrate our hearts.  Continually seek being broken before the cross, allowing God to humble you.  (Romans 12:3)

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Future Posts!

3 posts I'm writing for my blog coming soon, can't wait...
1) Worship Philosophy: Why new contemporary songs in corporate worship and why we sing primarily to God instead of just about God.

2) Response to Elder led vs. Elder rule:  Distinguishing what scripture really says about Elders and church polity and what has been man made (i.e. congregationalism).  Specifically dispelling what congregationalists have deemed as "musts" when in reality after taking a closer look are not in scripture at all.

3) Review of the book Going Deep by Gordon MacDonald (I'm currently about half way through).  A lot of good stuff so far but it will depend on where it heads in the end.